Stuff I Have A Vague Interest In, And Stuff That They Hate Us To Talk About...

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Call For Submissions On Katrina

Message: 21 Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 22:38:27 -0000 From: "theduchess53" Subject: Call for Submissions/Hurricane Katrina Perspectives Raising Our Voices: Thinking Through the Katrina> Disaster>> Good Morning Everyone and Greetings from Nicole> Anderson in Los Angeles.>> As we all struggle to come to terms with the hurricane Katrinadisaster, I know that we are all doing what we can to aid thesedisplaced Americans and support rescue efforts at this hour.>> Furthermore, I am interested in creating an edited volume for thosewho are writing about this national tragedy. As I have surveyedwebsites, newspapers, televised news coverage and even celebrity talkshows, I have been struck profoundly by how few perspectives I haveheard from artists, writers, academics and activists----particularlyindividuals of color--- in regard to the events and their aftermath.So, I decided to put out a call.>> If you are interested in sharing your work, please submit the > following kinds of pieces for review:>> —Essays> —Poetry> —Journal entries> —Letters> —Position papers> —Proposals for future action> —Accounts from displaced friends, family and> relatives> —Other forms of writing and reflection>> Possible topics include:> —Personal reflections that discuss> loss/trauma/distress associated with disaster and recovery effortsfor those in the region or in more distant locales as well as copingstrategies> —Media analysis> —Race, gender, class and regional dimensions of the crisis> —Perspectives on relief efforts, the nation's response andrelocation efforts> —Long-term planning and policy concerns> —Historical perspectives on the events> —Intersections between your own field of expertise and possibleapplications to recovery efforts> —Patriotism and the role of public debate in times of nationalcrisis> —Other proposed topics welcome>> On a more personal level, writing has been one of my only comforts > through this, so I would like to understand how other writers, > thinkers, artists and activists are examining these issues. > Furthermore, I believe that we must also use our experience,training> and collective vision to bear witness, acknowledge our concerns and > strategize to aid displaced citizens with short-term and long-termneeds.>>> Again, submissions from ALL are welcome, particularly those from > youth and women of color.>> Please send email attachment or hard copy (if you or a writer that > you know have limited access to email) of your submission to the > following address by November 30, 2005. Be sure to include a brief > bio about yourself as well and your contact information forpossible> follow-up correspondences.:>> Nicole Anderson> Professor of History and Media> c/o Occidental College> 1600 Campus Road> MC-13> Los Angeles, CA 90041> email:>>


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